Extensive testing further guarantees LASERBLOC's performance!

Having undergone another successful testing regime, once again supports the laser shield's capabilities and showcases a 'one solution for all' across the medical sectors.

We have been producing hygienic window solutions for the medical environments for years. Coupling well designed infection control, along with encompassing universal laser protection. We are now able to proudly offer an 'off the shelf' glazed system, housed within a fully sealed unit. Which continues to provide peace of mind between maintaining the highest level of hygiene and safety within the workplace. Having continued to prove so again by passing further laser testing with flying colours.

Uniquely tested against an extensive variety of laser power, Hygeno's patented laser shielding renders the vision panels , making them resistant to all types of wavelengths, which in turn has now deemed the Laser Blind compatible for every type of medical laser.

The firing and testing of lasers on a sealed glass unit is a completely new breakthrough to the medical field, and is something that is rare and highly sought after as it is able to withstand the high standards of hygiene that are needed within a cleanroom environment. Particularly for Architects and LPA's (Laser Protection Advisors) who we can now confidently offer one product to with our LASERBLOC range - encompassing all the benefits and privacy control of INTAVISTA’s - that is also able to work alongside any equipment fitted in to a medical environment - including all laser and x-ray equipment.

We're also able to offer the unique combination of flexibility of specification by working within a modular system. Allowing the additional scope of x-ray shielding capabilities through to light filters to be applied to each glazed system, resulting in a cost effective laser blind for operating theatres, laser clinics and laboratories.
